Capacity for new joys and optimism

Uncertainty is challenging. The state of stagnant inertia we find ourselves in can have the power to put all of us in a holding pattern. If we wait for conditions to be perfect before fully engaging in everyday life again, we are missing out on precious time.

Uncertainty is tough. But everyday can be incredible. I am sure something in all of our everydays can make us stop and think, and hopefully smile. I am sure when this storm passes we may even miss the regularity, restrictions, routine and familiarity which we are fighting.

Walking in the snow today on the TarkaTrail was wonderful. Freezing, but wonderful. Stopping at Sandbanks Cafe for a friendly chat & takeaway tea was another highlight. A robin kept bobbing up and joining us as we walked back.

I returned home to find a box of freshly laid, beautiful blue eggs left on the doorstep, as a lovely surprise, by a great friend.

The symbolism – the pandemic has the power to make us all feel blue.  In contrast, it has the potential to slow us all down to notice, in awe, and appreciation, in the beauty of nature, in the wonder of love and friendships, and gratefulness for our ‘everydays.’

Life maybe taking on an unexpected hue, but nevertheless there is still the capacity for new joys and great optimism.

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